Wyndcliffe Primary School awarded the Unicef Gold Rights Respecting Award!
On 4th July, Wyndcliffe Primary School were awarded with their Gold certificate.
Prior to the assessment visit, the school completed a comprehensive School Evaluation: Gold form.
It was evident that children's rights are embedded across the school and underpin every facet of school life.
Particular strengths of the school include:
• Children's confident articulation demonstrated their belief in the importance of knowing about their rights for themselves and for others e.g. Y6 pupils spoke about the CRC in their new classes during a transition day to their secondary school.
• The vision and drive of the RRSA coordinator, supported by the SLT, resulting in them clearly articulating the impact of the school's journey from Silver to Gold. “We haven't stopped, we constantly reflect upon our practice.”
• The strengthening of mutually respectful relationships through using the language of rights, resulting in children with behaviours that make them vulnerable to exclusion, “Turning themselves around and becoming advocates for supporting other children's (challenging) behaviour."
Well done to all the staff and children at Wyndcliffe!