Guest Speaker Bios for the 3rd Trust Conference
The 4 week countdown has begun!
Our 3rd Trust Conference is taking place at the National Conference Centre Birmingham and brings together the staff from all 5 of our schools and the central team. Watch this space for further announcements.....
Our brand new fleet of Leigh Trust mini buses have arrived!
Leigh Trust are excited to announce the safe arrival of three mini buses and they look amazing! The 17 seater buses will used to transport children from schools within the Trust to sporting events and trips in luxury!
The vehicles are equipped with Sat Navigation, LED floor lights, break down products and wheelchair ramps to ensure that all children travel in safety.
I'm sure all children will be very excited to step inside and travel in comfort; please take at look at out shiny new buses below.
Leigh Trust donation to St Paul's Church 'Reverse Advent Calendar'
During the month of December, St Paul's Church ran a 'Reverse Advent' campaign and asked for donations of food and essential items so that these could be given to those less fortunate at Christmas time.
All the staff at Leigh Trust were more than happy to contribute and rallied round to fill a huge box of goodies for the local food banks.
Our donation was received by the CEO of St Paul's Centre, Anita Ward, who was delighted with our donation and thanked all the staff personally for their kind generosity.
Photos of the day can be viewed below.
Leigh Trust fundraising for 'Tia's Dancing Dream'....
At the start of the new year, our CEO Mrs Greenwood was approached by two Senior Teaching Assistants from Leigh Primary School and asked if Leigh Trust could hold it's very first Trust wide fund raising event for a little girl called Tia.
On Friday 25th October 2019, children and staff across the four schools within Leigh Trust took part in a non school uniform day to help raise funds for Tia; Tia's Dancing Dream can be viewed by opening the link below.......
On Thursday 5th December, Tia and her Mum Lizzie were invited to Leigh Primary School and were presented with a cheque for an amazing £3,500!
The CEO, DCEO, Head Teacher's from each school along with their Head Boys and Head Girls, Directors and Chair of Governors attended the day. The Head Boy & Head Girl of Leigh Primary wrote a special poem for Tia which was framed and also presented to Tia.
We all had a lovely afternoon and would like to say a special thank you to Sue Alder and Val Kaur, Teaching Assistants at Leigh Primary School. Val and Sue have been at Leigh Primary School for years and carried out so many different fund raising events for the school and other charities - without them asking the CEO to do this then it wouldn't have happened.
Following the event, we received a lovely message from Tia's grandmother as follows:
"Thank you so much for the photos. Lizzie and Tia had the most amazing day. Lizzie said everyone knew who Tia was and they all wanted to be around fantastic! Tia has already read the poem to me; she was very touched. Words cannot express our gratitude to all the staff and children"
Below are a few photos taken on the day.....................enjoy!
Leigh Trust Teacher Training Day - 'Mental Health & Wellbeing for all'
On 3rd September 2018, Leigh Trust held it's annual teacher training day at the National Conference Centre and hot on the topic was 'Mental Health & Wellbeing for all'.
On arrival, everyone took the opportunity to meet with other staff from schools within the Trust and once settled, were welcomed by Julie Greenwood, CEO of Leigh Trust.
Our key note speaker Sir John Timpson CBE, Chairman of service retailer Timpson Ltd revealed how fostering 90 children has influenced his life. Sir John explained understanding attachment problems and trauma in a child’s early years. Sir John Timpson CBE has written three useful little guide books on Attachment, based on 30 years’ experience as a foster carer – A Guide to Attachment, How to Create a Positive Future and Looking After Looked After Children. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed his talk and were grateful for the books that were left for staff to take home.
Our next speaker was Erin Docherty from Forward Thinking Birmingham. Forward Thinking Birmingham is the city’s mental health service for children and young people aged 0 to 25.The organisation is a partnership between four providers – Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (lead provider), Beacon UK, The Priory and The Children’s Society and offers a wide range of support, care and treatment at locations across the city.
Our final speaker was Anna Robinson. Anna Robinson has worked with vulnerable children, young people and families in Birmingham for nearly 20 years. She is currently the lead for wellbeing at Birmingham Education Partnership, working with colleagues across the city to develop sustainable approaches to wellbeing in schools. As a UKCP accredited Psychotherapist she believes that relationships are crucial to supporting people’s vitality and that professional and personal learning is a life-long process. This belief maintains her commitment to working with others, continually seeking to provide an effective Integrative psychotherapy as both therapist and trainer.
Workshops ran throughout the day as follows:
Forward Thinking Birmingham
Anxiety (physiology, psychology and recovery).
Forward Thinking Birmingham (how to access service, which referral route to use, what services we offer).
The Lifeboat Lesson - Looking at automatic bias, resilience and decision making (this workshop can be taken back to the classroom and used to run a lesson).
Laura Jones – Wellbeing Crew
Mindfulness, Relaxation & Mediation
Anna Robinson & Anna Bateman – BEP Mental Health & Wellbeing
“People not programmes” - the ecology of ACEs and Trauma.
Adverse childhood experiences and their impact are well documented. This workshop will articulate why understanding adversity and trauma is so important and why Bruce Perry’s “People not programmes” can be transformative for schools, their communities and children’s outcomes.
Anna Bateman – Curriculum
Supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing through the Curriculum. This workshop will give you practical, tried and tested tools to help you identify vulnerability earlier. You will also gain ideas on how to use emotional vocabulary to improve outcomes and discover some ‘ordinary magic’ strategies, which when consistently applied impact on resilience.
Ameena Hanif - Teacher at Wyndcliffe Primary School
Supporting Mental Health through the Curriculum
Staff who were lucky enough to win a 'pamper' raffle ticket also enjoyed 20 minute treatments that included mini manicures, relaxing facials and Indian head massages by the lovely ladies from the 'Wellbeing Crew.
Finally, to end the day on a high, the staff were entertained with some 'Laughter Therapy' by John Hipkiss. John said he loved bringing laughter to people’s lives and introducing them to new ways to find hilarity, health and happiness!” What could be better than bringing people together by laughing! Laughter Therapy can be powerful and inspirational!”
3rd September 2018