Alston Primary School converted to an academy within Leigh Trust as of 1st July 2014. It is a 3 form entry school with a nursery unit offering 39 part time places. The school serves a rich and diverse local community in the Bordesley Green area of Birmingham and is proud to be fully inclusive, welcoming children from a wide variety of backgrounds where all are given equal status for the contribution they make. Our children enjoy learning and celebrate personal and academic achievements both inside and outside the classroom.
Alston Primary School endorses a vibrant and progressive culture and a climate of continuous innovation. Our ethos promotes well-being and respect for all through having high ambitions and a sense of belonging.
Learners, staff and parents are deeply encouraged to be engaged in our school and committed to seeing it flourish and achieve its vision. Alston Primary School is a caring organisation that supports every single young person, irrespective of background or learning need. We work tirelessly to promote healthy and positive attitudes to learning, to life and to work.
At Alston Primary School we are continually developing an ethos of achievement and ambition which defines the aspirational nature of our schools; we seek only the best, aim high and continually strive for excellence for every single learner through:
For further information about Alston Primary School please follow the link below to the schools website.